Statistically Speaking
One thing that stuck out to me with this statistic was how often special needs parents feel like we are alone or the only ones going through what we are going through. But 1 in 20?! Wow.
That’s 1-2 kids in every classroom, that’s a handful of people at the grocery store or dozens at our church or community groups. We aren’t alone parents! Let’s reach out and support and encourage each other!
And for parents of the other 19 neurotypicals, let’s embrace all the differences, let’s learn how to truly be inclusive and let’s gain some of the most amazing friendships ever! ⠀⠀
What an opportunity we have to help teach!
#inclusion #inclusionmatters #diversity #diversityandinclusion #disabilityinclusioneducator #advocate #advocatelikeamother #nosuchthingasnormal #specialneedsmom #specialneedskids #specialneedsfamily #truefriends #neurotypical #disabilityawareness #disabilityinclusion #specialneedsparent #differentnotless #kindess #kindnessmatters #lovewins #honestlymothering #bethechange
That’s 1-2 kids in every classroom, that’s a handful of people at the grocery store or dozens at our church or community groups. We aren’t alone parents! Let’s reach out and support and encourage each other!
And for parents of the other 19 neurotypicals, let’s embrace all the differences, let’s learn how to truly be inclusive and let’s gain some of the most amazing friendships ever! ⠀⠀
What an opportunity we have to help teach!
#inclusion #inclusionmatters #diversity #diversityandinclusion #disabilityinclusioneducator #advocate #advocatelikeamother #nosuchthingasnormal #specialneedsmom #specialneedskids #specialneedsfamily #truefriends #neurotypical #disabilityawareness #disabilityinclusion #specialneedsparent #differentnotless #kindess #kindnessmatters #lovewins #honestlymothering #bethechange