What is the Difference?
I recreated this diagram that @disabilityinclusioneducator posted the other day. I believe it is an awesome tool to help us understand these important words and their meanings.
I’m a natural optimist so I believe that us humans are doing our “best” to make this world a better place but unfortunately I also believe we have only gotten as far as integration. I believe we have invited everyone to the “game” but those different sit on a separate bench. The hope is for there to be NO separate bench, one team playing the same game.
I believe we still have a lot of work to do in the “Inclusion World” but my hope is that if we all do a our part in making that this a priority, it can happen! Inclusion will be in all schools, churches and friend groups! Together we can make a difference!
#inclusion #inclusionmatters #inclusionrevolution #segregationsucks #bethechange #disablednotbroken #differentnotless #specialneedsmom #specialneedsinfluencer #specialneeds #differentisgood #differentisbeautiful #kindiscool #disabilityeducator #nosuchthingasnormal #advocate #advocatelikeamother #equality #disabilityrights #allkidsmatter